
How Many Cups Of Milk In 1 Liter


I hope this helps make your life easier the side by side time you lot are reading a recipe 🙂

Baking temperatures conversion tabular array

Fahrenheit Setting Celsius Setting Gas Setting
300 ◦F 150 Gas Mark 2 (very low)
325 160 Gas Marker iii (depression)
350 180 Gas Marking iv (moderate)
375 190 Gas Mark 5 (moderate)
400 200 Gas Marker half dozen (hot)
425 220 Gas Marking vii (hot)
450 230 Gas eight (very hot)
475 240 Gas Marker nine (very hot)
500 260 Gas Marking x (extremely hot)
Broil Broil Grill

Liquid and dry ingredients conversion tables

Liquid (Fluid or Book) Measurements (approximate):

ane teaspoon

1/3 tablespoon

v ml

ane tablespoon

1/2 fluid ounce

three teaspoons

15 ml, 15 cc

2 tablespoons

ane fluid ounce

ane/8 loving cup, 6 teaspoons

30 ml, 30 cc

i/4 cup

two fluid ounces

4 tablespoons

59 ml

1/three cup

2 2/iii fluid ounces

5 tablespoons + ane teaspoon

79 ml

one/2 cup

4 fluid ounces

8 tablespoons

118 ml

2/3 cup

5 1/three fluid ounces

10 tablespoons + ii teaspoons

158 ml

3/iv cup

vi fluid ounces

12 tablespoons

177 ml

vii/8 cup

7 fluid ounces

14 tablespoons

207 ml

i cup

viii fluid ounces/ ane/2 pint

sixteen tablespoons

237 ml

2 cups

16 fluid ounces/ ane pint

32 tablespoons

473 ml

4 cups

32 fluid ounces

1 quart

946 ml

1 pint

sixteen fluid ounces/ 1 pint

32 tablespoons

473 ml

2 pints

32 fluid ounces

ane quart

946 ml,  0.946 liters

viii pints

1 gallon/ 128 fluid ounces

3785 ml,  three.78 liters

4 quarts

i gallon/ 128 fluid ounces

3785 ml,  three.78 liters

1 liter

1.057 quarts

thou ml

1 gallon

128 fluid ounces

3785 ml,  3.78 liters

Dry (Weight) Measurements (approximate):

ane ounce

30 grams  (28.35 1000)

2 ounces

55 grams

iii ounces

85 grams

4 ounces

1/four pound

125 grams

8 ounces

1/2 pound

240 grams

12 ounces

3/4 pound

375 grams

16 ounces

ane pound

454 grams

32 ounces

2 pounds

907 grams

ane kilogram

2.2 pounds/ 35.ii ounces

1000 gram

Temperature Conversion:

Fahrenheit to Celsius:

Celsius to Fahrenheit:

Subtract 32
Multiply by 5
Split by nine

Multiply by ix
Split up by v
Add 32

A annotation virtually kitchen measurements:
Non all tablespoons are the same. The Australian tablespoon is 20 ml; the British tablespoon is 17.vii ml. In well-nigh Canadian recipes, the tablespoon is xv ml., while the American tablespoon is fourteen.2 ml.
In British, Australian and sometimes Canadian recipes, the "royal pint"  is used which is 20 fluid ounces. American and sometimes Canadian recipes use the American pint of 16 fluid ounces.

Dry out Mensurate Equivalents

 iii teaspoons  i tablespoon  i/2 ounce  14.iii grams
 two tablespoons 1/viii cup  1 ounce  28.3 grams
 iv tablespoons  1/iv cup  2 ounces grams
 5 one/3 tablespoons  i/3 cup  two.6 ounces  75.6 grams
 8 tablespoons  1/two cup  4 ounces  113.four grams
 12 tablespoons  3/4 loving cup  6 ounces  .375 pound
 32 tablespoons  2 cups  16 ounces  1 pound

Volume (Liquid)

American Standard  (Cups & Quarts ) American Standard (Ounces) Metric (Milliliters & Liters)
2 tbsp ane fl. oz. thirty ml
one/four cup 2 fl. oz. 60 ml
1/2 cup four fl. oz. 125 ml
ane cup 8 fl. oz. 250 ml
i one/2 cups 12 fl. oz. 375 ml
2 cups or 1 pint sixteen fl. oz. 500 ml
iv cups or 1 quart 32 fl. oz. 1000 ml or one liter
1 gallon 128 fl. oz. 4 liters

Volume (Dry)

American Standard Metric
one/8 teaspoon .5 ml
i/iv teaspoon 1 ml
1/2 teaspoon 2 ml
3/4 teaspoon 4 ml
1 teaspoon 5 ml
1 tablespoon 15 ml
1/4 cup 59 ml
ane/3 cup 79 ml
i/2 loving cup 118 ml
2/iii loving cup 158 ml
iii/4 cup 177 ml
1 cup 225 ml
2 cups or 1 pint 450 ml
3 cups 675 ml
4 cups or 1 quart 1 liter
one/2 gallon two liters
1 gallon 4 liters


1 teaspoon = four.929 ml (milliliters)
ane tablespoon = fourteen.787 ml
i dram = 3.6967 ml
1 fluid ounce = 29.57353 ml
1 loving cup = 236.59 ml
i cup = 2.366 deciliters
1 cup = 0.2366 liters
1 gill = 118.294 ml
1 gill = one.18294 deciliters
1 gill = 0.118294 liters
1 pint = 473.1765 ml
1 pint = 4.731765 deciliters
1 pint = 0.4731765 liters
1 quart = nine.4635 deciliters
ane quart = 0.94635 liters
1 gallon = 37.854 deciliters
ane gallon = iii.7854 liters
i firkin = 34.069 liters
1 hogshead = 238.48 liters


1 pint = 0.551 liters
1 quart = 1.101 liters
1 peck = viii.81 liters
ane bushel = 35.25 liters


1 ounce = 28.35 grams
ane pound = 453.59 grams
ane pound = 0.454 kg


1 ml = 0.033814 fluid ounces
1 ml = 0.061024 cubic inches
1 ml = 0.2029 teaspoons
1 ml = 0.0676 tablespoons
1 deciliter = 3.3814 fluid ounces
1 deciliter = 6.1024 cubic inches
1 deciliter = xx.29 teaspoons
1 deciliter = 6.76 tablespoons
ane deciliter = 27.05 drams
1 deciliter = 0.423 cups
1 deciliter = 0.845 gills
1 deciliter = 0.21134 pints
1 deciliter = 0.10567 quarts
one liter = 33.814 fluid ounces
1 liter = 61.024 cubic inches
1 liter = tablespoons
1 liter = 270.5 drams
i liter = 4.23 cups
1 liter = viii.45 gills
1 liter = 2.1134 pints
1 liter = 1.0567 quarts
1 liter = 0.26417 gallons
1 liter = 0.029353 firkins


1 liter = ane.8162 pints
ane liter = 0.9081 quarts


one gram = 0.035274 ounces
one gram = 0.0022046 pounds
one kg = 35.274 ounces
1 kg = 2.2046 pounds


ane millimeter = 0.03937 inches
1 cm = 0.3937 inches
ane meter = 39.37 inches
1 meter = iii.281 feet
ane meter = 1.0936 yards


 a cup of butter weighs 8 ounces

ane ounce = 28.34 grams, then

i cup of butter weighs 227 grams.

1/four loving cup of butter = 57 g
ane/3 cup of butter = 76 k
1/2 cup of butter = 113 thou

Butter to olive oil conversion

Butter/ butter rine

Olive olive oil

U.S. units


United statescustomary units


i teaspoon

five ml

three/4 teaspoon


one tablespoon

xv ml

2 1/4 teaspoons


1/4 cup

60 ml

3 tablespoons


1/3 cup

78 ml

1/4 cup


1/2 cup

118 ml

1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons


2/three loving cup

156 ml

one/two cup


3/4 cup


1/2 cup + 1 tablespoon


one loving cup

237 ml

iii/iv loving cup


Dry Goods

All-Purpose Flour and Confectioners' Sugar

Cups  Grams  Ounces
 1/8 loving cup
(2 Tablespoons)
 sixteen g  .563 oz
 i/four cup  32 g  i.13 oz
 1/iii loving cup  43 m  1.5 oz
 one/2 cup  64 g  2.25 oz
 2/iii loving cup  85 g  iii oz
 3/4 loving cup  96 g  3.38 oz
 1 loving cup  128 g  four.5 oz

Staff of life Flour

Cups  Grams  Ounces
i/4 cup  34 g  1.2 oz
i/iii cup  45 g  1.6 oz
1/two cup  68 g  2.4 oz
1 cup  136 g  4.8 oz

Rolled Oats

 Cups Grams  Ounces
 1/four c  21 yard  .75 oz
 ane/3 c  28 m  1 oz
 1/2 c  43 1000  1.5 oz
 ane c  85 g  iii oz

White Sugar (Granulated)

 Cups  Grams  Ounces
 ii Tbsp  25 g  .89 oz
 1/4 loving cup  fifty g  1.78 oz
 one/3 loving cup  67 yard  2.37 oz
 one/ii cup  100 g  3.55 oz
 2/three cup  134 g  iv.73 oz
 three/4 cup  150 g  5.3 oz
 1 cup  201 g  seven.1 oz

Packed Brown Sugar

Cups  Grams  Ounces
 1/4 c  55 g  1.nine oz
 1/iii c  73 g  2.58 oz
 ane/ii c  110 m  three.88 oz
 one c  220 g  seven.75 oz

Honey, Molasses & Syrup

Cups  Grams  Ounces
 two Tbsp  43 k  one.5 oz
 one/4 c  85 k  three oz
 one/3 c  113 g  four oz
 1/2 c  170 m  6 oz
 ii/3 c  227 g  eight oz
 3/4 c  255 grand  9 oz
 one c  340 chiliad  12 oz

Book-to-weight conversions

Note: Since the book measurement of an ingredient depends on how you pack the measuring loving cup/spoon and on the ingredient itself (how it is cut, its density, its water content), the volume-to-weight conversions are not absolute: they are just a reflection of my own experience.

Butter: i/2 loving cup = i stick = 4 ounces = 113 grams
Butter: 1 tablespoon = 14 grams
Comté cheese, grated: 1 cup = 100 grams
Crème fraîche: 1 cup = 240 grams
Fresh cheese: 1 cup = 240 grams
Greek-fashion yogurt: 1 cup = 280 grams
Gruyère cheese, grated: 1 cup = 100 grams
Heavy cream: one loving cup = 240 grams
Light foam: i loving cup = 240 grams
Milk: 1 cup = 240 mL
Parmesan cheese, grated: ane cup = 110 grams
Ricotta: 1 cup = 250 grams
Yogurt: 1 cup = 250 grams

Nuts etc.
Almonds, shelled, whole, blanched: 1 cup = 125 grams
Almonds, sliced: i cup = seventy grams
Almond meal (a.grand.a. footing almonds): 1 cup = 100 grams
Almond butter/purée: ane cup = 240 grams
Cashews, shelled, whole: 1 cup = 130 grams
Chestnuts, shelled, cooked: i loving cup = 130 grams
Hazelnuts, shelled, whole: 1 cup = 120 grams
Macadamia nuts, shelled, whole: 1 loving cup = 125 grams
Nut butter: 1 cup = 240 grams
Pistachios: 1 cup = 125 grams
Poppy seeds: 1 cup = 145 grams
Walnuts, shelled, halves: 1 loving cup = 100 grams

Agave syrup: 1/3 cup = 100 grams
Baking pulverisation (levure chimique or alsacienne): 1 standard French sachet = 11 grams = i tablespoon
Cacao nibs: 1 cup = 120 grams
Chocolate chips: one cup = 160 grams
Cocoa pulverization: i cup = 120 grams
Honey: 1 cup = 300 grams
Honey: 1 tablespoon = 18 grams
Salt, fine: 1 teaspoon = 5 grams
Salt, fibroid: ane cup = 220 grams
Sugar, brown: 1 loving cup (packed) = 170 grams
Sugar, confectioner's: 1 cup = 130 grams
Sugar, granulated: 1 cup = 200 grams
Sugar, granulated: 1 tablespoon = 12.5 grams
Molasses: 1 cup = 280 grams

Flour, grains, etc.
Bulgur: i cup = 190 grams
Chickpeas (dried, raw): 1 loving cup = 190 grams (= 475 grams when cooked)
Cornmeal: 1 loving cup = 165 grams
Couscous: 1 cup = 165 grams
Dried beans: 1 cup = 180 grams
Elbow macaroni: 1 cup = 150 grams
Flour, all-purpose or whole wheat: 1 loving cup = 120 grams
Pearl tapioca: 1 cup = 180 grams
Polenta: 1 loving cup = 160 grams
Quinoa: one loving cup = 190 grams
Rice, basmati: 1 cup = 180 grams
Rice, brusk-grain: 1 cup = 195 grams
Rolled oats: 1 loving cup = 100 grams

Fruits, vegetables, herbs
Baby spinach leaves: 1 loving cup (packed) = 30 grams
Basil: i cup (packed) = 20 grams
Blueberries: 1 cup = 190 grams
Carrots, grated: 1 cup (loosely packed) = 90 grams
Fava beans, shelled: ane loving cup = 120 grams
Green peas, shelled: 1 loving cup = 145 grams
Hibiscus flowers, stale, semi-crushed, lightly packed: ane cup = twoscore grams
Mâche: 1 loving cup (packed) = 20 grams
Raisins: 1 cup = 150 grams
Raspberries: i cup = 125 grams
Rocket: 1 cup (packed) = 25 grams
Strawberries: 1 cup (small strawberries, or large strawberries, sliced) = 125 grams
Immature salad greens: one cup (packed) = 20 grams

Agar-agar: 1 teaspoon = 2 grams
Baby shrimp, shelled, cooked: 1 cup = 100 grams
Capers: one cup = 120 grams
Dried bread crumbs: i cup = 100 grams
Hibiscus flowers: ane/three cup = 15 grams
Oil: 1 tablespoon = 9 grams
Olives: one cup = 180 grams

Pans and dishes
10-inch tart or cake pan = 25-centimeter tart or cake pan
nine-inch cake pan = 22-centimeter cake pan
iv-inch tartlet mold = x-centimeter tartlet mold
9-by-13-inches baking dish = 22-by-33-centimeter blistering dish
8-by-viii-inches baking dish = twenty-by-20-centimeter baking dish
half dozen-ounce ramekin = 180-mL ramekin
9-by-5-inches loaf pan = 23-past-12-centimeter loaf pan = viii cups or 2 liters in capacity

How Many Cups Of Milk In 1 Liter,


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